Thursday, 21 July 2016

Wow ! Here are Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss Step by Step

    We all want to lose weight and be fit and healthy, don’t we? But what do most of us do? We take a firm decision to exercise, which only withers as days pass by. The exercises we want to do are tough, the results take time, and this bogs us down.

1. Setu Bandhasana

  • To begin, lie on your back.
  • Fold your knees and keep your feet hip distance apart on the floor, 10-12 inches from your pelvis, with knees and ankles in a straight line.
  • Keep your arms beside your body, palms facing down.
  • Inhaling, slowly lift your lower back, middle back and upper back off the floor; gently roll in the shoulders; touch the chest to the chin without bringing the chin down, supporting your weight with your shoulders, arms and feet. Feel your bottom firm up in this pose. Both the thighs are parallel to each other and to the floor.
  • If you wish, you could interlace the fingers and push the hands on the floor to lift the torso a little more up, or you could support your back with your palms.
  • Keep breathing easily.
  • Hold the posture for a minute or two and exhale as you gently release the pose.
2. Dhanurasana 

  • Lie on your stomach
  • Hold your both feet with your hands making a back bend and positioning like a bow.
  • Pull your both feet slowly – slowly, as much as you can.
  • Look straight ahead with a smile in your face .
  • Keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breath.
  • After 1-20 seconds as you exhale,gently bring your legs and chest to the ground and relax.

3. Shalabhasan 

  • Lie on your stomach with the chin stretched and touching the ground. Keep the hands on the side.
  • Slowly bring your hands under the legs to support them.
  • Inhale slowly and deeply and lift your right leg upwards, without bending the knees, as much as you can and without straining. Maintain this position for few seconds, maximum up to half a minute.
  • Slowly release the position by bringing down the right leg back to the original position. Exhale during this process.
  • Rest for few seconds and breathe normally and deeply.
  • Now, try the above steps with your left leg lifted above the ground.
  • This process can be done a few times alternating between the right leg and the left leg.

4. Naukasana 

  • Lie flat on your back on the yoga mat with your arms by your side.
  • Relax in this position for some time and keep breathing normally.
  • Now inhale slowly and lift your both legs as per shown in the above image.
  • Keep legs straight and should not be bent.
  • Raise your upper body to touch your legs with both hands.
  • Try to maintain the angle of 45 degrees.
  • Hold your breath and the posture for 10-15 seconds. You can increase the time of holding posture by practicing regularly.
  • Now exhale slowly and get back to your starting position.

5. Pawanmuktasana

  • Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body.
  • Breathe in and as you exhale, bring your right knee towards your chest and press the thigh on your abdomen with clasped hands.
  • Breathe in again and as you exhale, lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your right knee.
  • Hold it there, as you take deep, long breaths in and out.
  • Checkpoint: As you exhale, tighten the grip of the hands on the knee and increase the pressure on the chest. As you
  • inhale, loosen the grip. 
  • As you exhale, come back to the ground and relax.
  • Repeat this pose with the left leg and then with both the legs together.
  • You may rock up and down or roll from side to side 3-5 times and then relax. 

6. Vakrasana 
  • Sit down stretching your legs forward on the ground.
  • Keep your hands beside your thighs or buttocks.
  • Bend your right leg straight and stretched.
  • Keep the left foot beside the right knee and the left knee raised upward.
  • Inhale and raise the arms shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight.
  • Exhaling, twist to the left, place the right arm by the outer side of the left knee and hold the left ankle with the right hand.
  • Take the left hand behind the back keeping the palms on the floor.
  • Look backward towards the left side.
  • Hold on the position.
  • The final position of each stage should be held while breathing, naturally. Hold the position as long as comfortable.
  • Then inhale and raise the right arm shoulder high, keeping the elbows straight.
  • Exhaling, release the left twist, place the right hand by the side of right buttock and left hand by the side of left buttock.
  • Take a deep breath and relax.
  • Repeat the same from the other side.
  • Practice on both sides.

7. Padahastasana 

To begin, come to a standing position at the front end of your mat with your legs close together.
  • Inhale and lift your arms straight up over your head with your arms touching your ears.
  • coming into the standing forward bend
  • Exhale and bend forward from the hips as shown in the photograph, keeping your back straight as long as possible. Keep your legs straight with the weight of the body over the balls of the feet. Feel that the hips are lifting up and the body is falling away from the hips.
  • If possible, put your hands flat on the floor, or wrap your fingers around the big toes. If you can't reach the floor you can also wrap your hands around the back of your legs.
  • standing forward bend alternate position with hands flat
  • Try to bring the head in as close to the knees as possible with the neck relaxed.
  • In the beginning, hold the posture for 5 seconds, gradually working up to 1 minute or more.

8. Shirshasana 

  • At first go to the Child Pose (Balasana) from this pose snatch your elbows and interlock your fingers to shape an equilateral triangle. (It’s a base to the pose for your head support).
  • Now bring down your crown of the head to the mat on the floor and the back side of your head is touching your hands. (Which you interlocked in earlier step, support your head by your hands).
  • Try to straighten your legs and slowly-slowly place your legs towards the direction of head. Your back should be straight.
  • Now bend your knees and keep your heels near to the butts.
  • After that slowly- slowly raise your legs straight at the angle of 90 degree.
  • Breathe normally without any strain.
  • Hold the position as much as you can.
  • Now gently bend your knees and keep your heels near to the butts and come into the child pose.

9. Sarvangasana 

  • Lie down in the supine position or lying on your stomach.
  • Raise your legs slowly upward and bring it to 90° angle.
  • Bring the legs towards head by raising the buttocks up.
  • Raise the legs; abdomen and chest try to form a straight line.
  • Place the palms on your back for support.
  • Place the chin against the chest.
  • Maintain the position as long as comfortable.
  • Try to maintain the pose up to 30 seconds or more.
  • Slowly return back to the original position.
  • While doing this, first lower the buttocks with hands supporting the back and slowly come to the surface or in the original position.
  • Perform it twice or thrice.

10. Utkatasana 

  • First done mountain pose asana.
  • Inhale and palms facing each other, raise the hands above the head, shoulder width apart. Relax your arms and shoulders. Not locking the elbows maintains the arms straight position.
  • Exhale bend your knees sit the chair position you feel comfortable then extend the pose. Your hips did not go below knees. Your heels has stay in the floor.
  • Upward your head and see straight.
  • Stay on the pose at minimum10 to 60 sec.
  • Finnish this pose by inhaling. Straighten the legs then exhale. The arms are down the sides. Go to mountain pose and finish this asana.

Thanks for Reading !

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