Amazing Food Facts Which Blow Your Mind
- Ripe cranberries will bounce like rubber balls.
- Consuming dairy may cause acne.
- An average ear of corn has an even number of rows, usually 16.
- Pound cake got its name from its original recipe, which called for a pound each of butter, eggs, sugar, and flour.
- Central Appalachia’s tooth decay problem is referred to as Mountain Dew mouth, due to the beverage’s popularity in the region.
- Apples belong to the rose family, as do pears and plums.
- One of the most popular pizza toppings in Brazil is green peas.
- Oklahoma’s state vegetable is the watermelon.
- Real aged balsamic vinegar actually costs anywhere from $75 to $400 or more.
- About 70% of olive oil being sold is not actually pure olive oil.
- Store bought 100% “real” orange juice is 100% artificially flavored.
- The winner of the 2013 Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest consumed 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes.
- The most expensive pizza in the world costs $12,000 and takes 72 hours to make.
- The Dunkin’ Donuts in South Korea offer doughnut flavors such as Kimchi Croquette and Glazed Garlic.
- There is an amusement park in Tokyo that offers Raw Horse Flesh-flavored ice cream.
- Chocolate was once used as currency.
- The tea bag was created by accident, as tea bags were originally sent as samples.
- Castoreum, which is used as vanilla flavoring in candies, baked goods, etc., is actually a secretion from the anal glands of beavers.
- A Cinnabon Classic has less sugar than a 20-oz. bottle of Pepsi.
- The fear of cooking is known as Mageirocophobia and is a recognised phobia.
- Humans are born craving sugar.
- The red food-coloring carmine — used in Skittles and other candies — is made from boiled cochineal bugs, a type of beetle.
- Radishes are members of the same family as cabbages.
- Casu Marzu is a cheese found in Sardinia that is purposely infested with maggots.
- The potentially fatal brain mushroom is considered a delicacy in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and the upper Great Lakes region of North America.
- The softening agent L-cysteine — used in some bread — is made from human hair and duck feathers.
- It is almost impossible to find out what all the ingredients are that Papa John’s uses in its pizzas.
- Coconut water can be used as blood plasma.
- McDonald’s sells 75 hamburgers every second of every day.
- Milt, which is a delicacy around the world, is fish sperm.
- Three plates of food at a Chinese buffet will net you about 3,000 calories.
- Ranch dressing contains titanium dioxide, which is used to make it appear whiter. The same ingredient is used in sunscreen and paint for the same effect.
- One fast food hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows.
- To make jelly beans shiny, shellac is used, which is made from Kerria lacca insect excretions.
- Ketchup was used as a medicine in the 1800s to treat diarrhea, among other things.
- Fruit-flavored snacks are made with the same wax used on cars.
- Peanuts aren’t nuts, they’re legumes.
- The most expensive fruit in the world is the Japanese Yubari cantaloupe, and two melons once sold at auction for $23,500.
- No matter what color Fruit Loop you eat, they all taste the same.
- Canola oil was originally called rapeseed oil, but rechristened by the Canadian oil industry in 1978 to avoid negative connotations. “Canola” is short for “Canadian oil.”
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