Ever wondered that why our Earth is round, what the fear of marshmallows is called? if no, then this blog for you
1. Watermelons are a popular gift
to bring to a host in China or Japan.
2. An ostrich egg would take four hours to boil.
3. The chemical name of caffeine is 1,3,7 trimethylxanthine.
4. Babe Ruth wore a cabbage leaf under his hat while playing baseball
and he used to change it every two innings.
5. An olive tree can live to 1500 years old.
6. Singer Michael Jackson owns the rights to the South Carolina
State anthem.
7. In the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, chocolate syrup was
used for blood in the shower scene.
8. Drivers kill more deer than hunters.
9. Polar bears can smell seal from 20 miles away.
10. It would take 15,840,000 rolls of wallpaper to cover the
Great Wall of China.
11. Daniel Boone hated coonskin caps.
12. About 10% of Jewish households have Christmas Trees.
13. The deepest underwater penguin dive is 1,772 feet by an
Emperor Penguin.
14. Contrary to popular belief, there are almost no Buddhists in
India, nor have there been for about a thousand years.
15. Celtic warriors sometimes fought their battles naked, their
bodies dyed blue from head to toe.
16. Watermelons can cost up to $100 in Japan.
17. A recent study at Harvard has show that eating chocolate can
actually help you live longer.
18. Rapper LL Cool J’s name actually stands for “Ladies Love
Cool James”.
19. In Singapore, it is illegal to sell or own chewing gum.
20. Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S.
21. Pearls melt in vinegar.
22. Close to two million people who go to the hospital in the
U.S. for one ailment wind up catching another.
23. Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will
cause it to go crazy and sting itself.
24. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
25. On average, a disposable diaper can hold up to 7 pounds of
26. The world’s smallest and oldest republic is San Morino. It’s
25 square miles and is located mostly on top of a mountain entirely surrounded
by Italy.
27. Over half the U.S. population would rather fold, than wad
their toilet paper.
28. Over half the U.S. population would rather fold, than wad
their toilet paper.
29. When honey is swallowed, it enters the blood stream within
20 minutes.
30. Reno, Nevada is west of Los Angeles, California.
31. Elizabeth Taylor has appeared on the cover of Life magazine
more than anyone else.
32. The Beatles have sold more albums than anyone else with over
1 billion worldwide.
33. The Flintstone’s cartoon was the first thirty-minute cartoon
to be aired during prime time.
34. A male moth can smell a female moth from 100 yards away.
35. Not only the fur of the tiger is striped but also its skin.
36. It is rumored that sucking on a copper penny will cause a
breathalyzer to read 0.
37. Diamonds mined in Brazil are harder than those found in
38. The state of Florida is bigger than England.
39. On average, a 4-year-old child asks 437 questions a day.
40. Make a fist with your left hand, squeeze your left thumb,
then put your right index finger down your throat. You now have no gag reflex.
41. The New York Stock Exchange started as a coffee shop.
42. If a wolverine was the size of a bear, it would be the
strongest animal on Earth.
43. 1 acre of wheat can produce enough bread to feed a family of
4 for about 10 years.
44. 16 pennies stacked up equals one inch, and 16 pennies in a
line is one foot.
45. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
46. Our calendar repeats itself every 400 years.
47. Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more you dream.
48. The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as
the Encyclopedia Britannica.
49. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for
50. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
Thanks for reading, please come again for reading
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