Sunday, 31 July 2016

Plants Amazing Top 20 Facts!

Find Out the amazing Facts about Plants you cant believe really exist.!

  1. During the 1600s, tulips were so valuable in Holland that their bulbs were worth more than gold. The craze was called tulip mania and caused the crash of the Dutch economy.
  2. The first type of aspirin, pain killer and fever reducer came from a the tree bark of a willow tree !
  3. Bananas contain a natural chemical which can make people feel happy !
  4. 85% of plant life is found in the ocean !
  5. Brazil is named after a tree !
  6. The Amazon rainforest produces half the world’s oxygen supply !
  7. Dendrochronology is the science of calculating a tree’s age by its rings !
  8. Cricket bats are made of a tree called Willow an dbaseball bats are made out of wood Hickory tree !
  9. Caffeine serves the function of a pesticide in a coffee plant ! 
  10. Peaches, Pears, apricots, quinces, strawberries, and apples are members of the rose family !
  11. Apple,potatoes and onions have the same taste, to test this eat them with you nose closed !
  12. The tallest tree ever was an Australian eucalyptus – In 1872 it was measured at 435 feet tall !
  13. The evaporation from a large oak or beech tree is from ten to twenty-five gallons in twenty-four hours !
  14. Strawberry is the only fruit that bears its seeds on the outside.The average strawberry has 200 seeds !
  15. Around 2000 different types of plants are used by humans to make food !
  16. Bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant in the world; it can grow 35 inches in a single day !
  17. Cabbage has 91% water content !
  18. The California redwood (coast redwood and giant sequoia) are the tallest and largest living organism in the world !
  19. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is one of the oldest living tree species, it dates back to about 250 million years ago !
  20. Eating lots of onions will make you sleepy, as it acts as a sedative !

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